Friday, January 14, 2011

Melasma is a signal your body is out of balance somehow - look inside for a cure!

For some time now I have believed that melasma, unexplained skin discolouration and skin hyperpigmentation - including melasma on the upper lip is actually a signal from your body that something is out of balance. There is an imbalance - or lack of harmony in your hormonal (endocrine) system which is making your body create more skin pigmentation. This is why people with melasma may also suffer other unexplained illnesses or even very subtle symptoms. One of the most common symptoms that melasma sufferers report is that they also feel tired or fatigued in the afternoon. While this is very common among many - persistent unexplained tiredness alongside unexplained skin discolouration does merit some additional exploring.

Do you suffer other symptoms apart from melasma? Do you need coffee to perk you up in the afternoon? Do you eat haphazardly and sometimes fail to get adequate nutrition. Do you suffer from anxiety also? Does your melasma seem to flare up and worsen during times of stress?  When my melasma was really bad I couldn't help but make links between all these seemingly unrelated symptoms. After many years of research I finally figured out the root cause of my melasma and indeed - all my symptoms were interelated.

Different melasma treatments have some impact for a short time but unless you cure melasma at the root it will keep wanting to come back. Indeed melasma is a chronic, stubborn and recurring condition that varies in severity between people. Some suffer it all over their faces. Others in localised patches. Whatever the case it is usually traumatic and resistant to treatment. While pregnancy and genetics have been implicated in melasma onset it seems also that a genetic tendency needs to be triggered off by such things as physical and emotional stress.  Alongside this other things that aggravate melasma are alcohol consumption, stress, poor  bowel elimination, impaired liver function,  poor nutrition and excessive sun exposure. If you have melasma and you cannto get rid of this it may be time to look deeper into the factors that aggravate your condition and what life style and health choices are causing your body to stay out of  balance and maintain the melasma on your face.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Stress and Melasma - if you freak out - so does your skin!

A few years ago - when we were trying to identify the true root cause of melasma (melasma on the upper lip or pesky skin hyperpigmentation) one of the melasma cure team reported that they had had a very stressful holiday with family they had not seen for years and for some reason their skin had 'broken out' in even more prominent and pronounced melasma (well to be more specific their melasma had darkened - particularly on their upper lip). This is the worse thing that you can imagine for the melasma victim who basically spends alot of their spare time looking for a melasma cure, melasma treatment or melasma 'miracle' that will erase the awful skin discolouration away for GOOD. What the? this left us stunned at what could possibly be the reason for this sudden outbreak of melasma? 

Several suggestions were offered up as to the reason for this melasma onslaught. Was it because they were out of their usual routine and their diet had changed thus triggering some kind of response? perhaps they had indulged in melasma triggering foods (like too much coffee or alcohol)? perhaps they had also neglected their skin care routine (i.e. forgot to apply their nightly skin care and cleanse their skin properly?). Another possibility was that the holiday was an opportunity to spend more time in the sun and therefore the natural outcome is sun burn and of course - melasma always darkens in the sun.

We asked the poor melasma suffer if these reasons could d possibly be to blame... and what did she say? NO..... none of the explanations offered were deemed possible. She had been particularly cautious with sun block while on holiday and had also been extremely vigilant with her diet AND even ensured she tool extra skin care supplements with her to ensure that she did not jeopardise her melasma skin care regimen. So... what was the cause of the sudden darkening?

We concluded the casual factor was stress. Correct - stress had caused a sudden release of stress hormones into her system which had sparked of a chain of changes in her body which triggered melasma. Luckily we understand this process now and know exactly how to deal with it.

Take home lesson? If you suffer melasma never let yourself get stressed out. It can only make your condition worse - and is not good for your health. Stress and immunity are strongly linked - do yourself a favour. Take up meditation!

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Sometimes when we see celebrities its easy to instantly envy the flawless skin that they have. What's worse is that they also might have a youthful and vibrant aura with them.

Whether we see famous people� personally or on the television, the envy can be there. Perhaps, you may have asked yourself how to get healthy skin naturally, or at least, how to have the skin that they have.

Actually, there are a lot of ways to get that perfect skin. The only question there is the safety and effectiveness of the procedure.

Almost always, resorting to cosmetic procedures can be risky.� They are also temporary, requiring frequent visits to the doctor.� And they can be painful, requiring a recovery period of at least one or two days

That is why knowing how to get healthy skin naturally is a must. It is the safest way to make yourself beautiful without sacrificing your overall health.

Your safety is very much important because with every procedure that you try, you are risking your life.

Using make-up everyday, undergoing surgical treatments, and applying beauty products with chemicals sure do make you look younger and better; but, only for a certain period of time. The effects are only temporary. Furthermore, instead of beautifying your skin, this kind of lifestyle dulls it even more and causes more harm and damage.

The most important thing to remember is that treating your skin with only natural products will give you the desired effects. Besides, they work just as well as the commercial products. Sometimes, they take effect much faster. Also, they are clinically-proven to be effective.

One ingredient that can help on how to get healthy skin naturally is Active Manuka Honey. It comes from New Zealand, and when you use it, it goes deep into your skin while nurturing it. It also has moisturizing effects. Another ingredient is the avocado oil, which is a fighter against dryness of the skin.

You can also expect regeneration and rejuvenation of the skin. You can also look for extrapone nutgrass root among the ingredients. This natural ingredient controls the production of melanin, which keeps the skin looking whiter and brighter. A blend of all this natural ingredients in one product will certainly bring miracles to your skin.

Now that you know how to get healthy skin naturally, it should be easy now to get great-looking skin. You do not have to worry about experiencing side effects. Your health and safety are not risked with these.� Keep these things in mind and you will have great looking skin sooner than you know it.

Melasma Treatments are internal, although while waiting for the internal causes to rectify themselves, gentle skincare is still required

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Is your melasma cure to be found on your dinner plate?

If you are desperate for a melasma cure, melasma treatment, or even a treatment that can cure upper lip melasma and other types of problematic skin hyperpigmentation cream just rubbed into the face is not going to cure your condition over night. You probably realised long ago that external creams and potions often have short lived effect on melasma. Even making the condition worse in some cases.


What is up with that? So many melasma victims we know can’t even stand to look in the mirror that the blotches that have spread over their face causing emotional devastation and emotional distress. So what is the solution?


The good news is there are many solutions and melasma cures. The bad news is – findings yours means a lot of trial and error because everyone is different. This is why this is one of the most frustrating conditions you can imagine.


One of the things melasma sufferers often over look is diet. That’s right – they are so focussed on what they put on their skin they forget about what they eat and drink. Most people are acutely aware that their diet is an essential part of good health. Infact researchers think that when people don't eat properly – that is they don’t eat enough nutritious foods – they can end up depriving themselves of the essential nutrients their body needs to be nourished, relaxed and fully functioning.


In the case of really poor diet – which may happen when people are constantly trying to lose weight or are so rushed in their lives they don’t take time for proper meals – the body can release stress hormones which impair the hormonal system. This can lead to skin issues and in some cases even skin hyperpigmentation. The lesson – think about your health holistically if you want clear skin!


This can mean upping your intake of important antioxidants through fruits and vegetables.

Sunday, January 2, 2011

All I want for Christmas is a healthy complexion and no more skin pigmentation!

If you suffer from Skin hyperpigmentation (or facial ‘melasma’ which can often appear as darker sections of melasma on the upper lip) it is almost inevitable that you wish it would simply disappear overnight. When I suffered from skin hyperpigmentation I would have done anything to find my own effective melasma cure or affordable melasma treatment to get rid of it. Most of all - I wished that the solution would just appear. At Christmas time I would spend a large chunk of my hard earned savings on creams and various types of skin hyperpigmentation treatments - because the best present I could have got for Christmas was clear glowing skin. I watched hundreds of advertisements for skin care – how to get rid of wrinkles and how to lift sagging skin and get rid of pimples. Those things were the least of my worries. All I could think of was getting rid of the devastating effects of blotchy skin on my self esteem. When I had skin hyperpigmentation I was so embarrassed I used to think people were staring at it all the time. I would wear layers of make up which made me look much older than my age and my skin was horrible and pasty lookin. Skin hyperpigmentation was the biggest pain of my existence - some people may call it vain or even silly to worry about the odd patch of darkened skin on your face but those people have no idea the emotional devastation and embarrassment this condition causes. I suffered with skin hyperpigmentation for years - while it is true that my melasma faded from time to time - I was always scared that it would return with a vengeance. The worst thing about skin hyperpigmentation - at least in my experience - was that it was so unpredictable. It would just seem to have a 'mind of its’ own'. Sometimes the sun would make it darker other times it would just show up by itself. It was not until I found my own personal melasma cure that I finally became free of the curse that plagued me year in and year out. Now Christmas time is truly a time for celebration and focussing on the things that really matter in life – health, happiness and spending time with the ones you love. 

Monday, December 13, 2010

Even One Cigarette Can Prove Lethal, U.S. Surgeon General Says

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Even One Cigarette Can Prove Lethal, U.S. Surgeon General Says

By Amanda Gardner
HealthDay Reporter

THURSDAY, Dec. 9 (HealthDay News) -- As little as one cigarette a day, or even just inhaling smoke from someone else's cigarette, could be enough to cause a heart attack and even death, warns a report released Thursday by U.S. Surgeon General Dr. Regina M. Benjamin.

"The chemicals in tobacco smoke reach your lungs quickly every time you inhale, causing damage immediately," Benjamin said in a statement. "Inhaling even the smallest amount of tobacco smoke can also damage your DNA, which can lead to cancer."

And the more you're exposed, the harder it is for your body to repair the damage.

Smoking also weakens the immune system and makes it harder for the body to respond to treatment if a smoking-linked cancer does arise.

"It's a really good thing when the Surgeon General comes out and gives a wide scope to the dangers of smoking," said Dr. Len Horovitz, a pulmonary specialist with Lenox Hill Hospital in New York City. "They're looking at very small amounts of smoke and this is dramatic. It's showing the effect is immediate and doesn't take very much concentration. In other words, there's no safe level of smoking. It's a zero-tolerance issue."

A Report of the Surgeon General: How Tobacco Smoke Causes Disease - The Biology and Behavioral Basis for Smoking-Attributable Disease, is the first tobacco report from Surgeon General Benjamin and the 30th since the landmark 1964 Surgeon General's report that first linked smoking to lung cancer.

More so than previous reports, this one focused on specific pathways by which smoking does its damage.

Some 70 of the 7,000 chemicals and compounds in cigarettes can cause cancer, while hundreds of the others are toxic, inflaming the lining of the airways and potentially leading to chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), a major killer in the United States. The chemicals also corrode blood vessels and increase the likelihood of blood clots, upping the risk for heart conditions.

Smoking is responsible for about 85% of lung cancers in the United States. But this report puts more emphasis on the link between smoking and the nation's no. 1 killer, heart disease.

"This report went way beyond pulmonary issues, which people are all too familiar with, but got into cardiovascular risks," Horovitz said. "We've known that even a few cigarettes a day could triple your risk of heart disease. If you have a 3% risk of cardiac issues, as a light smoker you could have 9 or 10%. That's significant. It's a little Russian Roulette."

And the problems don't stop there, the reported stated. Smoking cigarettes can interfere with blood-sugar control for diabetes and can help spur a range of pregnancy and birth-related problems such as miscarriage, low birth weight and sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS).

Cigarettes are also getting more addictive, the report stated, with newer formulations getting the nicotine more quickly and efficiently from the lungs -- where it first enters the body -- to the heart and brain. Compounds other than nicotine that are added to cigarettes also help hook people in, the report said.

"The evidence clearly states that tobacco products are lethal weapons capable of shortening the lifespans of smokers and nonsmokers alike," American Heart Association CEO Nancy Brown said in a statement. "However, tobacco companies will stop at nothing to addict a new generation of smokers."

"We strongly believe the findings will support implementation of new federal tobacco regulations, including the development of graphic warning labels for cigarette packages," she continued. "We also urge state officials to fund smoking prevention and cessation programs at CDC- recommended levels, enact strong smoke-free policies and boost tobacco excise taxes. Policymakers must not allow complacency to rule in the fight against tobacco. Bold, aggressive measures are needed to save lives, reduce the burden of disease and improve quality of life."

MedicalNewsCopyright © 2010 HealthDay. All rights reserved.

SOURCES: Len Horovitz, M.D., pulmonary specialist, Lenox Hill Hospital, New York City; Dec. 9, 2010, Report of the Surgeon General: How Tobacco Smoke Causes Disease-The Biology and Behavioral Basis for Smoking-Attributable Disease

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Sometimes a Melasma Treatment, can be so simple as reducing the amount of Nicotine in your system. Nicotine does put excessive pressure on your Glands which in turn may stimulate skin hyper pigmentation.

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Candida Albicans Life Cycle

Check out this website I found at

Here at Melasma Cure we address food sensitivities, this is an important part of finding and developing a Melasma Treatment. A working cure or treatment is always tailored to your own personal needs.